The way in which today’s global workforce is staffed and managed can have a significant impact on the organization’s employer and corporate brand, products/services, revenue, and profit.
Which role has primary responsibility for your organization’s entire workforce – Human Resources or Procurement? Does that role truly understand the implications of the competing forces that comprise that workforce and the impact of their decisions on their business?
I am speaking about the fact that most enterprise organizations’ workforces are comprised of a mix of full-time-employees, contingent workers, independent contractors/freelancers, alumni, retirees, and interns. The way in which that workforce is staffed and managed can have a significant impact on the organization’s employer and corporate brand, products/services, revenue, and profit.
I am just back from the KellyOCG Analyst Event in Chicago and my mind is buzzing not only with the questions above, but with the astute way in which KellyOCG, the outsourcing and consulting arm of Kelly Services®, is providing organizations with Talent Supply Chain Management solutions for optimally sourcing and managing their diverse workforce.
To begin with, I am impressed with KellyOCG’s Talent Supply Chain Advisory Services, which helps organizations understand and assess the state of their entire talent supply chain from workforce planning to performance management and how that supply chain is aligned with the organization’s business goals. This service answers questions such as whether to buy, build or have a hybrid talent acquisition solution and how to optimize the supply base for the contingent worker population.
Due to their extensive resources, including their global presence, supplier partners, RPO and BPO solutions, Contingent Workforce Outsourcing solutions, analytics portal, and vertical knowledge, KellyOCG is in a unique position to be able to provide organizations with strategies and solutions that will help them to pilot the most difficult talent markets.
As an example, KellyOCG has a variety of online talent community partners, such as HourlyNerd®, a technology platform delivering elite business talent. Rob Biederman, co-founder of HourlyNerd®, spoke at the event and explained his vetting process for experienced, expert consultants with MBAs from the top 40 global programs. Included in the algorithm for top talent are satisfaction ratings for recently completed projects. In that way, organizations can be assured of the consultant’s high performance. This independent contractor/freelancer phenomenon in which professionals want to work on a project basis wherever they are located is becoming more prevalent in our society and making this online talent community solution very appealing.
Brandon Hall Group’s recent talent acquisition research shows that there is a large need for outsourcing and advisory solutions: a majority of organizations (69%) are struggling to attract talent regardless of talent supply; nearly half (46%) indicate that one of their greatest challenges is in building external talent pools; and only 10% have a clear talent acquisition strategy that aligns with business goals and integrates with talent management strategies. I look forward to seeing how KellyOCG will continue to succeed in this expansive market.
–Daria Friedman, Principal Analyst, Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group