How to Build Effective Sales Enablement Programs

Current State

Sales enablement has evolved from traditional sales training to a more comprehensive approach called revenue enablement. This shift encompasses not only sales teams but also customer success, sales engineers, and marketing teams. Organizations are recognizing the need for continuous learning and skill development to keep pace with rapidly changing business environments. AI and technology are increasingly being leveraged to support and enhance revenue enablement efforts.



The evolution from sales training to revenue enablement presents several interconnected complexities. As the business landscape rapidly changes, the half-life of skills continues to shorten, creating an urgent need for frequent upskilling and reskilling across organizations.

This challenge is compounded by the difficulty of aligning multiple teams and functions for effective revenue enablement, as the scope now extends beyond traditional sales roles. Another significant hurdle is the measurement of ROI for enablement efforts, which, while crucial, often proves elusive due to the intangible nature of some outcomes.

Furthermore, the shift toward revenue enablement necessitates a fundamental change in organizational culture, requiring the cultivation of an environment that values and promotes continuous learning. This cultural transformation is no small feat and often encounters resistance. Lastly, organizations must grapple with the tension between the need for comprehensive enablement programs and the practical constraints of limited time and resources, forcing difficult decisions about prioritization and resource allocation.



  • There are a number of critical implications for organizations relying on sales teams to drive revenue:
  • Organizations must invest in understanding their customers deeply and use data to inform their enablement strategies.
  • Continuous sales onboarding is essential to combat the “forgetting curve” and maintain high performance.
  • AI and technology will play an increasingly important role in personalizing and scaling revenue enablement efforts.
  • Companies that fail to evolve from sales training to revenue enablement may fall behind competitors.
  • Effective coaching and reinforcement of learned skills are critical for successful implementation.


Critical Questions

  • How can organizations effectively assess current skills across teams, identify gaps, and implement a culture of continuous learning and enablement?
  • What strategies can companies employ to measure and communicate the ROI of their revenue enablement efforts to stakeholders?
  • How can AI and technology be effectively integrated into revenue enablement strategies to personalize and scale efforts while balancing practical constraints?
  • What are the best practices for aligning different teams (sales, customer success, marketing) within a comprehensive revenue enablement framework?
  • How can organizations ensure their revenue enablement programs remain agile and responsive to changing market conditions while focusing on high-impact areas?


Brandon Hall Group™ Point of View


Cultivate a Data-Driven, Learning-Centric Culture

Organizations should prioritize creating a culture of continuous learning and data- driven decision-making. This involves implementing regular skills assessments across all revenue-generating teams, identifying critical gaps and developing targeted learning programs. By fostering a mindset of continuous improvement and backing it with data, companies can ensure their teams remain agile and adaptable in the face of rapidly changing market conditions. This approach not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall organizational resilience and competitiveness.


Leverage AI for Personalization and Scale

To maximize the impact of revenue enablement efforts, organizations should strategically integrate AI and advanced technologies into their programs. AI can be used to personalize learning paths, automate routine tasks and provide data-driven insights for decision-making. This technology-driven approach allows companies to scale their enablement efforts efficiently, ensuring that all team members receive tailored support while optimizing resource allocation. By embracing AI, organizations can create more engaging, effective and measurable enablement programs that adapt to individual needs and market dynamics, driving greater customer success and loyalty.


Align Cross-Functional Teams with Clear Metrics

To drive meaningful results, organizations must prioritize the alignment of sales, customer success, and marketing teams under a unified revenue enablement framework. This alignment should be underpinned by clear, shared metrics that demonstrate the ROI of enablement efforts. By establishing common goals and KPIs across these functions, companies can break down silos, foster collaboration and create a more cohesive approach to revenue generation. This unified strategy not only improves overall performance but also makes it easier to measure and communicate the value of enablement initiatives to key stakeholders, securing continued support and investment in these critical programs.

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Matt Pittman



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Matt Pittman

Matt Pittman brings nearly 30 years of experience developing people and teams in a variety of settings and organizations. As an HR Practitioner, he has sat in nearly every seat including Learning and Leadership Development, Talent Management and Succession Planning, Talent Acquisition and as a Human Resources Business Partner. A significant part of those roles involved building out functions in organizations and driving large scale change efforts. As a Principal Analyst, Matt leverages this in-depth experience and expertise to provide clients and providers with breakthrough insights and ideas to drive their business forward.

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