Workforce management is no longer “just” about tracking time, making schedules, and delivering payroll. It is at the very core of an organization’s ability to enable workforce analytics and understand the key drivers of productivity and performance. Modern workforce management technology is helping organizations has become a strategic force to enable data driven business and talent decisions, and improve the employee experience.
Speaking of modern workforce management, check out our recent talent management blog on modern performance management. We have also produced a lot of recent research on safety training, and there is more to come, register for our upcoming webinar Breathing New Life into Safety and Compliance Training.
On October 31st, we launched a survey on HR Service Delivery. This will cover how human resources is structured, managed and delivered to employees. Participate in this short survey to benchmark your companies HR programs and receive a report once the research is published.
Here are some examples corporations excelling at Workforce Management and Core HR.
Video Game Show Teaches Gift Rules at Lockheed Martin (2017 Case Study)
For Lockheed Martin, rules involving gifts and business courtesies are complex and vary country by country. The company needed a new method of training that would focus on key points of the compliance policy and provide employees resources to apply the confusing set of rules to specific situations. To meet those goals, the training team collaborated with stakeholders and SMEs to design an interactive, video game show that puts employees “on stage” to answer questions and offers them “LM Lifelines” if they want help. The program earned Lockheed Martin a Gold Award for Best Use of Video in the 2017 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
Compliance Training Reflects GoDaddy’s Culture, Humor (2017 Case Study)
GoDaddy addressed the critical subjects of conduct and security awareness for employees by using eLearning with interaction, multi-media, and content that reflected the positive, humorous aspects of company culture. For the Code of Conduct section, scenarios required learners to select actions that lead to the best outcome for the company. For security awareness, users had to identify red flags within emails and phone calls and manipulate different aspects of password creation. The initiative earned GoDaddy a Bronze Award for Best Advance in Custom Content in the 2017 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
MLPCARE Reduces Costs By Changing Labor Allocation (2017 Case Study)
Leaders at Turkey-based MLPCARE, aware they needed to reduce labor costs and still focus on care quality, developed a system to allocate labor based on demand for service at its 28 hospitals rather than on bed capacity. The new system manages headcount by using monthly trends at each hospital and the needs of its service units. The new model improves productivity, better allocates resources, and minimizes the cost of overtime. Designed and implemented by the HR team within 1.5 months, the employee cost/net income ratio decreased by nearly 2% in 2016. MLPCARE earned a Bronze Award for Best Unique or Innovative Workforce Management Program in the 2017 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
‘Dateline’ News Format Makes Compliance Training More Compelling (2017 Case Study)
After San Diego County supervisors complained about the boring length of the state-mandated, harassment-prevention course, the HR Employee Development Division redesigned the online learning using an engaging story line, dynamic characters, real-life cases, relevant videos, and interactive content. The training team conveyed the content as a broadcast show titled “SD Countyline,” similar in methodology to the NBC television show “Dateline.” The course breaks into four sessions of approximately 30 minutes each to meet the two-hour state mandate. The County of San Diego Human Resources Department won a Gold Award for Best Advance in Compliance Training in the 2017 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards.
Solution Provider Profile: Ascentis (2017)
This solution provider profile features Ascentis, a 100% SaaS solution with full functionality on mobile. Any one of the modules — Ascentis HR, Payroll, Talent Management System, Recruiting, or Timekeeping — can be purchased individually or as a suite. Ascentis sees its differentiator as service to the client and system security. The profile features insights from Cliff Stevenson, Principal Talent Management/Workforce Management Analyst.