OpenSesame is Bringing New Voices to Leadership Development

Organizations are increasingly realizing that the kind of skills they need to develop in their leaders are the skills they need to develop across the entire organization. In a recent Brandon Hall Group study, nearly 70% of organizations said that leadership training is needed for every employee, and nearly 60% said that they are building a culture of continuous leader learning. Companies say that expanding the reach of leadership development can produce multiple benefits, including:

  • Forming strong leadership habits early
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Improving interpersonal skills
  • Promoting engagement
  • Driving better decision making
  • Inspiring innovation

This approach is not without its challenges, however. The employee population at large already has a lot of competing learning priorities and L&D teams are already tight on resources. Leadership development just for leaders is already rather complex. Scaling to the entire organization presents additional challenges.

Brandon Hall Group Smartchoice® Silver Preferred Provider OpenSesame has long been a champion for building these critical skills across the organization and to that end continually offers content designed to make it easier for everyone to develop these skills. One of the tools OpenSesame is offering through a new partnership is Amplify Voices. Founded by Pete Carroll, Head Coach of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks, Amplify Voices is a media company based on the leadership principles Carroll has learned and applied throughout his long career.

The chief goal is to amplify diverse and inclusive leaders through content that expands minds and opens hearts by addressing purpose, leadership, mental health & well-being, education, and more.  Brandon Hall Group’s research finds that companies expect about 20% of leadership competencies to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The podcasts that Amplify Voices produces are aimed squarely at that, bringing important but seldom heard voices into the conversation.

These podcasts are a great addition to a content library because they are engaging and easy to deliver. Learners can listen how and when it makes the most sense to them, making it easier to scale learning for these skills. They allow L&D teams to add development opportunities for critical skills with minimal effort. They also provide continuously new and fresh content on topics many individual contributors may not have exposure to.

Click here to book a demo and see what kind of knowledge can be gained from the amplification of voices that focused on a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace.

David Wentworth, Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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