Performance Management – It’s All About the Conversation


Despite the ongoing complaints and the majority (70%) proclamation that performance management drives no or little business value, I’m hard-pressed to find even a single organization that has scrapped performance management altogether. And, with confidence, I suspect I won’t find any such examples any time soon. Performance management has been around for 50 years, and will be for another 50 and more. However, executing on it in status quo fashion is not an option for those who rely on it to make a business difference.  If organizations expect performance management to play a role in achieving business results, a transformation of its approach is past due.

Join our webinar, Give Them the Best the Opportunity for their Best Performance, at 10amPT/Noon CT/1pm ET on Nov. 12 as we explore the science and success stories validating the business value of this topic with Linda Miller, Product Manager with DDI (Development Dimensions International).

Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 State of Performance Management Study shows that the best organizations are renovating performance management from “a look back to identify and fix individual weaknesses,” to “a look forward focused on building employees’ strengths to grow organizational capability.”

Conversations are at the center of the conversion. Our research documents the empirical correlation between regular and informal manager-employee conversations and better business.  That relationship has real meaning when executives and other senior business leaders evaluate their customer retention index, their engagement score, and their revenue numbers and share results that are much more favorable in a culture where managers talk regularly with their employees about how to do more of what they are already exceling at.

During our event we will:

  • Share key research data shaping a new approach to performance management
  • Understand the business value of conversations shaping the performance management agenda
  • Learn about key dimensions that shape effective performance conversations
  • Hear DDI’s point of view on the value of “performance conversations”
  • Gain success insights as documented by organizations that have implemented effective “performance conversations”

See you next week!

Laci Loew
VP and Principal Analyst, Talent Management
Brandon Hall Group

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Laci Loew