Upskilling, Reskilling and Cross-Skilling Training
with AllenComm

In the ever-changing world of business, it’s essential for organizations to stay competitive. Keeping the workforce at the fore of competitive advantage by upskilling (teaching new skills to existing employees), reskilling (retraining existing staff for new roles) and cross-skilling (training current team members on other team members jobs to ensure continuity and flexibility) is a powerful strategy.

By developing new skills in their employees, companies can remain ahead of the curve and take advantage of industry trends. But how can this be done? With the help of a partner like AllenComm’s consulting and training services, organizations can ensure their workforce is ready for whatever comes next. From understanding the importance and benefits of upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling, to learning who should use AllenComm’s services, this article will provide insight into how businesses can stay ahead of the game.

The Importance of Upskilling, Reskilling and Cross-Skilling Your Workforce

Upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling your workforce is no longer a luxury in today’s competitive global economy — it’s a necessity. Organizations must invest in employee training and development to stay relevant. The need for upskilling and reskilling employees is growing exponentially as new job roles and job categories arise year over year. According to Brandon Hall Group™ research, Hiring for New Skills and New Roles, 90% of organizations are hiring or preparing to hire new staff this year into roles that have never existed before, while 63% of organizations don’t feel their current approach to learning is positioning them well to develop the skills their workforce needs for the future.

Upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling training prepares employees for future career growth by helping them acquire new skills that will be necessary for success in their jobs. Investing in employee training can give companies an edge as their employees become more knowledgeable, efficient, and motivated.

Companies also benefit from being able to respond quickly to changes in technology, customer needs or market demands without having to go through long recruitment processes. Additionally, providing upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling training can improve morale and engagement as employees feel empowered to take on new roles and/or responsibilities.

This approach to training can also help employees stay current with the latest industry trends and technologies, giving them an edge when pursuing opportunities for advancement. Companies can ensure that their employees develop the required skillsets for the future of work and, in turn, gain a competitive advantage in the labor market. Ultimately, upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling training can help employers attract and retain the best talent, while also helping employees develop their skills and increase their job satisfaction.

AllenComm provides comprehensive services specifically designed for upskilling teams that are looking for an edge in today’s ever-changing workplace landscape. By utilizing AllenComm services, companies will be able to successfully transition into modern operations while ensuring that their employees are prepared with the skills they need now and into the future.

This approach has the added advantage of creating a culture of learning within an organization through upskilling. This is beneficial for multiple reasons. It encourages employees to take responsibility for their growth while simultaneously building team spirit and uniting everyone toward common goals. Additionally, feedback is valued more highly when an environment exists where learning is actively encouraged.

AllenComm offers services tailored specifically to help organizations to develop successful upskilling programs. Through their expert assistance, companies can assess existing skill sets with performance mapping and determine areas of improvement. Plus, AllenComm provides customized courses covering various topics from customer service excellence and data analysis/visualization tools to salesforce automation systems and communication/collaboration best practices, so organizations know their investments are yielding quality results according to industry standards.

Ultimately, upskilling programs are essential if businesses want their employees prepared for the future while developing a culture of learning within the organization at the same time. With AllenComm’s help, organizations can ensure that these goals are met while setting themselves apart from other competitors.

Hiring the Right Consultant to Plan, Develop and Deliver Programs

When it comes to developing a successful training program for your organization, hiring the right consulting partner is key. Brandon Hall Group’s 2023 Learning Benchmark Study shows that most companies are allocating as much as 30% of their learning budgets to external services, including learning strategy, instructional design and training program delivery. AllenComm understands the importance of selecting a consultant who can provide an effective and engaging program tailored to your specific needs.

AllenComm is committed to working with stakeholders to have their voices heard throughout the process, so organizations can be sure your training program will remain relevant and provide long-term success. With their experienced team’s support each step of the way, companies can trust AllenComm to help bring about positive outcomes for the business or organization.

AllenComm takes the time to get to know an organization and provides a comprehensive assessment of the learning and development needs of your organization. Their team partners with organizations to identify the right training solution that will best meet their objectives.

Once a partner is identified, AllenComm provides a detailed plan of action to assure successful implementation. They assign dedicated project managers to each client, who provide regular updates and support throughout the process. This helps to make sure that the training program is delivered on time and on budget.

AllenComm is also committed to providing the highest quality of service throughout the life of the project. Their team is available to answer any questions and continually strives to exceed expectations. With their domain expertise and experience, AllenComm can help create a successful training program that will benefit any organization and its employees.

How AllenComm Helps Companies Upskill Their Workforce

AllenComm’s comprehensive training programs support upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling in a variety of ways. AllenComm’s programs help companies ensure their workforce is prepared for the future with the right onboarding, compliance, sales, leadership, and other employee training and development solutions. By partnering with AllenComm, companies can trust that they’ll have a reliable partner who understands how to create effective, engaging programs that produce measurable, real-world results.

AllenComm’s core competency lies in designing, building and delivering custom training programs that cater to the specific needs of the organization. These programs consider the voices of all stakeholders and are designed to keep up with the most effective strategies in adult learning and industry trends, so they remain relevant and successful in the long term. Companies can choose from a variety of learning models, from virtual to in-person to blended, that best suit their needs and those of their employees. Additionally, AllenComm offers on-demand resources and materials as well as expert guidance and support for leadership teams throughout the process.

Who Should Use AllenComm?

AllenComm is the trusted learning partner for organizations that need to create effective custom eLearning solutions and experiences. Any business in need of employee training solutions, or organizations wanting to reduce learning costs, can realize those goals by working with AllenComm. Companies looking for innovative solutions and businesses wanting to increase employee retention have all worked successfully with AllenComm.

For any company looking to develop comprehensive learning programs and create a long-term training strategy, AllenComm is the perfect partner. With AllenComm’s help, businesses can ensure their employees are prepared for the future while developing a culture of learning within the organization. From assessing existing skill sets and determining areas of improvement to staying up-to-date on industry trends, AllenComm provides organizations with reliable assistance to build an effective upskilling program that produces tangible results aligned with desired organizational goals.

Organizations should work with AllenComm to start preparing their teams now.

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Matt Pittman



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Matt Pittman

Matt Pittman brings nearly 30 years of experience developing people and teams in a variety of settings and organizations. As an HR Practitioner, he has sat in nearly every seat including Learning and Leadership Development, Talent Management and Succession Planning, Talent Acquisition and as a Human Resources Business Partner. A significant part of those roles involved building out functions in organizations and driving large scale change efforts. As a Principal Analyst, Matt leverages this in-depth experience and expertise to provide clients and providers with breakthrough insights and ideas to drive their business forward.

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