It is not something unique to this year or even this decade that many of us are being asked to do more work with fewer resources. Although it may seem to be a symptom of these volatile economic times, the truth is that limited resources and an ever-increasing scope of work is something that just happens as our people, processes, and technology become better and better at what we do.
The biggest reaction to these forces in workforce management (WFM) has been in smart automation. The difference between automation as it was done in the past and the way it can be done with a modern EFM system like WorkForce Software is that older automation systems sought only to replace human effort; modern, effective WFM optimizes human work and also provides insights into where employees can focus work that automation can’t address.
Brandon Hall Group research has shown that organizations that can personalize the employee experience in a way that makes employees feel like contributing, valued members of the organization are more likely to see rises in business metrics such as customer retention, customer satisfaction, and even market share. This stands to reason though, as only humans have the ability to connect to customers (or each other) in ways that can’t be replicated by machines – now or ever.
The ability for employees to have a sense of meaningful work, with more self-direction, allows them to feel they are part of something greater through social and collaborative projects. However, what allows them the time to engage in those types of projects is the WFM automation happening in the background, making the most out of even the most limited of resources.