How AI Makes Learning Technology Smarter

The learning technology landscape continues to be a complex swirl of software, applications, and solutions. Some are completely disparate from one another; others have overlapping features. Some have broad functionality, and some have very specific, almost niche use cases. For many organizations, it can be difficult to navigate and decide what will work best for them.

One area of technology that has added to the confusion in recent years is artificial intelligence, or AI. The term is used very loosely to cover a wide range of more specific, scientific applications of data and software, but within the arena of learning technology, more people consider it a tool for automating and personalizing the learning experience. It is not a separate piece of technology you buy but rather built into other software to provide unique functionality. The world runs on data. AI is helping technology get smarter, and data is what drives it.

AI continues to play a larger role in learning technologies, providing everything from learner recommendations, guided simulations, content development, and more. Gaining a basic understanding of how it works can help you pick technologies that optimize and automate many tasks, as well as provide more relevant, engaging experiences to learners. It is not enough that technology buyers accept AI as a line item on an RFP. They need to talk with technology providers about just how they leverage AI to solve specific challenges and provide distinct outcomes.

A recent Brandon Hall Group study found that 60% of companies believe that AI is either highly important or critical to properly leveraging learning technologies. To shed a little more light on how organizations can use AI to improve learning experiences and outcomes, we will be hosting a webinar in partnership with sales enablement technology provider Allego, which leverages AI to power unique training and coaching experiences. By looking at how they use AI to help clients, we hope to demystify artificial intelligence and clear up some myths and misconceptions.

David Wentworth, Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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David Wentworth