Choosing the Right Corporate Learning Partner for Modern Times

The digital revolution has transformed the business environment, compelling companies to ensure their employees are continually developing new skills. Corporate learning has evolved from a nice-to-have to a strategic imperative for organizations looking to maintain a competitive edge. Within this modern corporate learning landscape, it can be helpful to have a partner working with you to create impact. But identifying and selecting the right corporate learning partner can be a challenge. What does it take to build a successful partnership that fosters innovation and growth in the digital age?

Companies prioritize partnership even above technical capabilities in many cases. Organizations overwhelmingly point to the ability to act as a true strategic partner as the most important characteristic of any learning vendor they are considering working with (65% Important or Extremely Important, Brandon Hall Group™ Voice of the Customer Study, 2023). Partnership is a key driver of buying decisions. However, being a strong partner who cannot deliver the scope, scale or security required isn’t enough. Corporate teams need both in their vendors.

That balance of skilled partnership and deep technical expertise makes Brandon Hall Group™ Smartchoice® Preferred Provider VPS the right partner for this time. VPS, a V2X company, has been the learning partner of choice for some of the largest organizations in the world for more than 30 years. Grounded in complex technical training challenges for organizations such as the US Navy and General Motors, VPS understands the challenges of highly regulated industries, can navigate the complexities of technology and has a proven track record of delivering success.

The Learning Landscape in the Digital Age

The digital era has revolutionized business operations and development. Swift technological progress has upended traditional sectors and given rise to new ones, necessitating a workforce that is flexible, proficient in emerging technologies and committed to continuous learning. Within this ever-changing environment, companies must place corporate learning at the forefront to stay competitive and inventive.

In this time of constant change, businesses need to be able to adapt quickly to new technologies and shifting customer needs. Traditional learning methods are too slow and inflexible to keep up with the rapid pace of change. As a result, corporate learning that is technology driven has become a critical tool for organizations that want to succeed.

The modern corporate learning landscape is characterized by the need for continuous upskilling and reskilling. With the shelf life of skills shrinking, organizations must invest in learning and development programs that empower their employees to acquire new knowledge and competencies throughout their careers. This proactive approach ensures that the workforce remains agile, adaptable, and capable of driving innovation.

Identifying your Corporate Learning Needs

The first step in choosing the right corporate learning partner is understanding your goals. Learning goals must be aligned with your company’s broader strategic objectives. Determine how your learning initiatives contribute to achieving your organization’s overarching goals, such as increasing productivity, enhancing customer satisfaction or driving innovation. This alignment ensures that your corporate learning investments are directly tied to your business priorities.

Once the goal is clear, you should conduct a thorough training needs assessment. This assessment should identify your organization’s current skill gaps, performance issues and future talent needs against the broader goals and performance targets. By identifying these areas for improvement, you can create learning programs that are tailored to your business’s specific needs.

When designing your learning programs, it’s crucial to consider the diverse learning preferences of your workforce. People learn in different ways, so offering a variety of learning formats and delivery methods is key. By providing options that cater to various learning styles, you can increase the likelihood that your employees will engage with and retain the knowledge they acquire. The right learning partner can support this analysis process.

Assess your current learning infrastructure and resources. Evaluate whether you have the internal capabilities and expertise to deliver the training programs you need. Consider factors such as available budget, staff expertise and technology infrastructure. If you lack the necessary resources, you may need to partner with an external learning provider to supplement your in-house capabilities.

Key Considerations When Selecting a Corporate Learning Partner

When selecting a corporate learning partner, there are several key considerations that are crucial to ensuring that the partnership aligns with your organization’s unique needs and drives successful learning outcomes.

Experience and expertise in modern learning methods: It is essential to choose a learning partner with a proven track record in modern learning methodologies. Look for a partner that embraces innovative approaches to cater to the diverse learning preferences of your workforce. This can mean everything from video-based microlessons to immersive learning solutions like Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality.

Customization and tailored solutions: Every organization has its own unique culture, challenges, and goals. A successful corporate learning partnership requires a partner that can provide customized learning solutions tailored to your specific needs. Assess the partner’s ability to conduct a comprehensive training needs assessment and design programs that directly address your organization’s skill gaps and strategic objectives.

A history of success: It’s important to know that your partner has a history of success before you commit to a long-term relationship. Ask for case studies, testimonials and references from past clients to see how they’ve delivered impactful learning programs. A partner with a proven track record of successful implementations and measurable results can give you confidence that they can drive positive change in your organization.

Robust technological infrastructure: Technology is the backbone of modern corporate learning. Ensure your partner has a robust technological infrastructure that supports various learning modalities, including virtual classrooms, learning management systems (LMS) and mobile learning platforms. Seamless integration with your existing systems is also key to ensure a cohesive and efficient learning experience for your employees.

Flexibility and adaptability: The corporate learning landscape is in a constant state of flux. Your partner must be nimble enough to adjust to changing requirements. Seek a partner that is committed to ongoing innovation, updating their learning solutions based on industry trends, technological advancements and your organizational needs as they evolve.

By thoughtfully considering these pivotal factors, you can select a corporate learning partner that aligns with your organization’s vision and empowers your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age. A successful partnership will not only enhance your organization’s competitiveness but also foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Building a Successful Partnership for Modern Learning

Building a successful corporate learning partnership requires careful planning and ongoing collaboration. Here are some key considerations for fostering a successful partnership:

  1. Clear Communication and Regular Check-Ins:

Establishing open lines of communication is crucial for a successful partnership. Regular check-ins between the organization and the learning partner ensure that both parties are aligned on objectives, progress, and any challenges. These check-ins should involve key stakeholders from both sides and should address topics such as program implementation, learner engagement, and performance metrics.

  1. Robust Feedback Mechanism:

Feedback is crucial for ongoing improvement. Establish a robust feedback system that welcomes regular input from learners, managers, and other invested parties. This feedback should be utilized to fine-tune learning initiatives, evaluate the efficacy of the collaboration, and pinpoint areas for additional growth. Foster a culture of candid and open feedback to ensure both the organization and the learning partner can adapt and improve based on real-time insights.

  1. Collaboration and Innovation:

A successful partnership thrives on collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Foster a culture of innovation where both the organization and the learning partner contribute their expertise to develop cutting-edge learning solutions. Encourage joint problem-solving and brainstorming sessions to explore new approaches, leverage emerging technologies, and create customized learning experiences that meet the organization’s specific needs.

  1. Leveraging Technology:

Technology is a cornerstone of contemporary learning. It is imperative that your corporate learning partner is equipped with the technological infrastructure to facilitate virtual classrooms, e-learning platforms, and other digital learning tools. Proficiency in utilizing these technologies to deliver engaging and interactive learning experiences that resonate with the diverse learning styles of the modern workforce is a must.

  1. Regular Review and Assessment:

Regularly review the partnership’s progress and assess its effectiveness in achieving the organization’s learning goals. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and track metrics such as learner engagement, completion rates, skill acquisition, and the impact of learning on job performance. Use these assessments to make data-driven decisions, refine learning strategies, and ensure that the partnership continues to deliver value to the organization.

By fostering clear communication, establishing a robust feedback mechanism, promoting collaboration and innovation, leveraging technology, and conducting regular reviews, organizations can build successful partnerships with corporate learning providers and drive a culture of continuous learning and growth within their workforce.

VPS, with their proven track record of success and their deep technical expertise, is uniquely positioned to be the best possible partner in this time.


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Matt Pittman



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Matt Pittman

Matt Pittman brings nearly 30 years of experience developing people and teams in a variety of settings and organizations. As an HR Practitioner, he has sat in nearly every seat including Learning and Leadership Development, Talent Management and Succession Planning, Talent Acquisition and as a Human Resources Business Partner. A significant part of those roles involved building out functions in organizations and driving large scale change efforts. As a Principal Analyst, Matt leverages this in-depth experience and expertise to provide clients and providers with breakthrough insights and ideas to drive their business forward.

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