Brandon Hall Group has conducted four major research surveys this year to assess trends in Human Capital Management technology deployment and adoption for talent acquisition, talent management, learning and development, and workforce management. We gathered nearly 1,000 responses and found consistent, striking findings in terms of the importance placed on user experience, and what buyers want from technology providers in terms of system integrations, functionalities, and service.
In preparation for my Sept. 29 webinar – The Talent Activation Continuum: How Connected HR Technologies Deliver Better Business Outcomes, sponsored by SilkRoad — I had the chance to analyze the data across all four HCM areas. I learned that organizations as a whole struggle with the same things – low adoption levels. Employees are avoiding their HCM technology, are relatively dissatisfied with functionalities, and can’t link the technology to better business outcomes, among other things.
The good news is that organizations are beginning to understand the importance of having an engaging user experience and how improving that experience can impact business goals. Having an engaging experience not only refers to the system being intuitive and having a nice look and feel; it means that when the users need to move from one system to the next, it is a seamless experience. Thinking just about talent acquisition technology, a recruiter may need to work with numerous systems: an applicant tracking system, a job distribution system, and a CRM — all in one day, or even within a few minutes. Connected systems make work life easier and productive, and enable sharing of resources and analytics.
In order for HCM technology to drive business outcomes, it needs to provide across the Human Capital spectrum an engaging and seamless user experience and the rich analytics needed for making the optimal decisions.
Find out more about what is causing these issues, and the critical success steps for building a robust HCM technology strategy, by attending our webinar, sponsored by SilkRoad, at 1pm Thursday, Sept. 29.
–Daria Friedman, Principal Analyst, Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group