One of learning’s biggest challenges has been making it an integral part of everyday work life. Employees tend to think of learning as something separate — something that takes them away from their jobs — rather than helping them do their jobs better. Learning is detached from performance, so employees often take a negative view of learning and development because of this distance from their day-to-day responsibilities.
Today’s technology environment exacerbates the challenge. People now expect instant access to everything. Whether seeking information or consuming media, nothing is more than a click (or tap) away. It’s not just Millennials, either. We all assume the answer to almost anything is mere seconds away.
Corporate learning has been slow to keep up. We’ve continued to crank out classes and courses even when many employees just learned what they needed on their own from the internet or through peers. We’ve been trying to sell 8-track tapes to people with Spotify accounts. That model isn’t sustainable.
Brandon Hall Group and Litmos teamed up to deliver a webinar examining this fundamental shift and the types of technology that can help companies create better learning environments.
It’s not just learners’ needs; organizations cannot afford to spend massive amounts of time and energy building and perfecting learning courses, only to find that by the time the course deploys, their needs changed. A rapidly evolving business environment requires agile learning and agile learners.
Agility requires adaptation and improvisation; no more reliance on pure ADDIE or Waterfall models requiring a lot of time to produce programs. Smaller, targeted pilot programs help make learning creation more iterative. If a program doesn’t achieve results, an agile framework allows quick correction without having to start from scratch. If our modern learners are busy, strapped for time and able to switch gears quickly, learning must be equally flexible.
Unfortunately, most organizations are not ready to make these changes, despite their awareness of how serious they are. For example, 73% of companies say it is either important or critical to increase the amount of experiential learning they deliver, yet only 23% say they’re ready to take action and only 16% say they are ready to take action to increase the amount of mobile learning delivery.
Our research also reveals that organizations need their people to connect with learning much more frequently than they currently do. If we want people to grow, develop and become high performers, taking a weekly class or clicking through a daily course is insufficient. The goal is to reach a point where learning is continuous, ubiquitous and seamless. The technology is available to make this happen. The volume and variety of learning experiences is staggering. Artificial intelligence and machine learning make it easier to deliver training in a more targeted, personalized fashion. The ability to connect people with anyone and anything now exists. The goal is in sight. Organizations just need to make sense of the technology and get started.
Here are some things to think about from a technology perspective:
- Identify what is missing from your technology stack. What are you unable to deliver well, or at all?
- Consult with business leaders. What do they think their people need to learn and do to be successful?
- Define your requirements. What type of features and functions are learners seeking?
- Evaluate providers. Can they demonstrate how their technology meets your learners’ and your business’ specific requirements?
The webinar will be a great opportunity to learn more about this shift, what it means and how your organization can revitalize its learning-technology strategy. Register here.
–David Wentworth, Principal Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group
Webinar Information
Want to Retain Employees? Develop Them!
Is your organization struggling to keep top performers?
More than ever before, employees consider a lack of professional development opportunities as a top reason to leave their jobs.
For example, a Gallup poll found that 68% of Millennial workers given learning and growth opportunities by their employers would remain in their roles for at least one year.
And it’s not just Millennials who value learning and development opportunities.
A learning culture is growing more and more popular among workers at any stage of their careers. They want opportunities to be engaged in their roles, to learn and contribute knowledge, lean on subject matter experts for top-notch advice – and get recognized for their efforts.
In today’s learning-centric business environment, employers must recognize that learning and development are key to retaining and engaging top talent.
Join David Wentworth, Principal Analyst with Brandon Hall Group and Docebo, as they examine learning and development’s impact on employee retention and explore strategies for keeping employees more engaged.
Discussion topics will include:
- The connection between learning and retention
- How to keep learners connected and engaged
- The strategies deployed by companies with high employee retention