Talent Optimization! Is There a Connection Between Learning and Talent Management?

Like salt and pepper, like ketchup and mustard, or more excitingly like Batman and Robin . . . certain things just “go together”.  So, the question is do Learning and Talent Management have a connection at all?  The answer is You Bet!

Up to this point, most organizations have expended their talent management energy on measurement and control. Unsurprisingly, the results are less than compelling. Instead, organizations need to focus more on effective performance – on impact where it is needed, in both the short and longer term. In other words: talent optimization. This approach uses data on competencies, personnel issues, recruitment and other parts of corporate HR to optimize the development and deployment of talent. Instead of looking at talent as an isolated HR initiative, Organizations need to work across business departments and integrate with them in order to truly be effective.

Join David Wentworth, Sr. Learning Analyst from Brandon Hall Group, and Donald Taylor, Chairman of The Learning and Performance Institute as they explore the connections between learning and talent management and how to leverage these connections to optimize talent in our upcoming webinar on Thursday, August 29 at 1 pm EDT.

This webinar will help you to see that just like salt and paper, mustard and ketchup and Batman and Robin, Learning and Talent Management go hand in hand.  Key takeaways from the event, such as new frameworks for talent management, linking talent processes to learning, leveraging integration for reporting and analytics, and social’s role in integration will reinforce this concept.  Be sure to register for this webinar today.

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Lorie Watson

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Lorie Watson