Is an LMS Affordable for Your Small/Medium Business?

Is an LMS affordable for your small/medium business? Due to the high cost and the technological infrastructure needed, traditionally, large corporations have had the monopoly on utilization of learning management systems in the workplace. However, a reduction in the cost and technological advances, have made implementing a learning management systems an affordable and productive asset for training employees in the small/medium business setting.

Learning management systems (LMS) are playing an increasingly important role in workplace learning and development. These systems provide learners with access to content and provide managers with the ability to track who knows what. In industries that require certifying or monitoring training, no better way exists to ensure that individuals are qualified to do their work than by measuring their skills and knowledge using a learning management system.

With price and technological barriers dropping, it is even easier for small/medium businesses to obtain an LMS for tracking and training employees.  Join Brandon Hall’s co-chief executive officer, Richard Nantel, and Intellum’s co-founder, Matt Gilley, as they present an informative and enlightening webinar entitled How to Select an LMS for Your Small/Medium Business  on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 1 p.m. Eastern. Register today!

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Lorie Watson



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