When is the entry deadline?
Friday, October 21st, 2011
How much is the entry fee?
$795 US. When you click Submit on the online entry form, you are taken to a page where you can pay online or see a phone number or e-mail address for other payment options. You can also access the payment directly here. A separate entry fee is required for each entry you submit. If you are submitting an entry to multiple categories, each category submission requires an entry fee.
What is the process for entering the Awards?
STEP 1: Download, complete, and return the entry template
STEP 2: Complete the online entry form
STEP 3: Pay the entry fee
Can we enter more than once?
Yes. You can enter multiple times, even within the same category, but you have to pay the entry fee for each entry. If submitting the same entry to multiple categories, you need to pay an entry fee for each category entered.
We are a practitioner (corporate, non-profit, government) organization. Which categories can we enter?
The Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology Awards program is only for solution providers (vendors), not practitioners.
Do entries have to be in English?
Yes, entries have to be in English.
Are our entry materials kept confidential?
In the online entry form you are given the opportunity to click Yes or No regarding permission for Brandon Hall Group to publish your entry. If you click No, nothing of your entry is published.
When will the winners be announced?
The winners will be announced in December 2011. We will provide an exact date at a later time.
What do the winners get?
- A plaque
- A digital logo that you may use in any way you wish
- Brandon Hall Group issues a press release and posts the winners on its web site