Unlocking the Power
of Cohort-Based Large Group Learning

Continuous learning and skill development have become paramount for organizational success. However, facilitating applied learning experiences across a large workforce can be challenging, especially when faced with constraints in resources. To address this issue, companies must adopt innovative approaches that leverage technology, peer collaboration and performance support tools.

Companies can leverage various tactics to enable applied learning at scale, even with limited resources. Brandon Hall Group™ research has shown that platforms that enable this type of shared learning experience are the most pursued category of learning technology this year. Cohort-based learning is also rated high in instructional effectiveness, according to respondents to the latest Brandon Hall Group™ Learning and Development Benchmarking Study. Given the drive to increase scale, efficiency and effectiveness while simultaneously recapturing the feel of the in-person experience, NovoEd, a Brandon Hall Group™ Smartchoice® Preferred Provider, is well-positioned to offer a powerful solution to learning and development teams.

Some proven strategies to consider:

  1. Blended learning approach: Combine self-paced online learning modules, video tutorials and interactive simulations with facilitated sessions. This allows learners to acquire knowledge independently, while facilitators can focus on guiding discussions, answering questions and providing feedback during live sessions.
  2. Peer learning and mentoring: Establish peer learning groups or mentorship programs where experienced employees or subject matter experts can share their knowledge and facilitate discussions with small groups of learners. This multiplies the reach of limited facilitator resources.
  3. User-generated content: Encourage learners to create and share their own learning materials, such as case studies, presentations or videos. This not only reinforces their understanding but also provides additional resources for others to learn from.
  4. Learning communities and forums: Create online learning communities or discussion forums where learners can collaborate, ask questions and share their experiences. Subject matter experts or facilitators can moderate these platforms and provide guidance when needed.
  5. Job aids and performance support tools: Develop job aids, checklists or performance support tools that learners can refer to during their work. These resources can reinforce learning and provide just-in-time support, reducing the need for extensive facilitation.
  6. Microlearning: Break down complex topics into bite-sized modules or micro-lessons that can be consumed quickly and easily. This approach caters to modern learners’ preferences for short, focused content and can be delivered through various channels, such as mobile apps or messaging platforms.
  7. Gamification and simulations: Incorporate gamification elements or simulations into the learning experience. These interactive and engaging approaches can foster applied learning by allowing learners to practice skills in a risk-free environment, with facilitators providing guidance and feedback when necessary.
  8. Learning analytics: Leverage learning analytics to identify knowledge gaps, track progress and tailor learning experiences accordingly. This data-driven approach can help optimize the use of facilitator resources by targeting areas that require more support.

By combining these tactics, companies can create a robust and scalable learning ecosystem that maximizes the impact of limited facilitator resources while ensuring effective applied learning opportunities for their workforce.

NovoEd makes it possible to deliver solid learning application and reinforcement at scale. They help companies close the gap between online learning and on-the-job performance with learning activities that change mindsets and behaviors. Engage learners with opportunities to learn in the context of work through individual and team projects that can include video practice, role-play, presentations and more collaborative learning activities.

To learn more about what makes NovoEd the ultimate social and collaborative learning platform, visit their website: https://novoed.com/

More About NovoEd

Founded at Stanford’s Social Algorithms Lab in 2012, NovoEd is a capability-building platform that uses social and collaborative learning to drive alignment, performance and mobility atscale. Through cohort-based experiences, NovoEd taps into collective wisdom, placing each learner at the center of perspective, application and expertise. Large enterprises such as 3M,GE and Nestlé partner with NovoEd to accelerate their critical initiatives and reconnect teams through learning that is felt, experienced and swiftly transformed into impact.


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Matt Pittman



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Matt Pittman

Matt Pittman brings nearly 30 years of experience developing people and teams in a variety of settings and organizations. As an HR Practitioner, he has sat in nearly every seat including Learning and Leadership Development, Talent Management and Succession Planning, Talent Acquisition and as a Human Resources Business Partner. A significant part of those roles involved building out functions in organizations and driving large scale change efforts. As a Principal Analyst, Matt leverages this in-depth experience and expertise to provide clients and providers with breakthrough insights and ideas to drive their business forward.

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